Contact Information


150, Tyler Street
Ayer’s Cliff (Quebec) J0B 1C0

Open in Google Maps


T  819 838-5020

Business Hours

Monday Closed
Tuesday 10:00 – 12:00
Wednesday Closed
Thursday 18:00 – 20:00
Friday 13:00 – 16:00
Saturday 10:00 – 13:00
Sunday Closed

Facebook : Bibliothèque Ayer’s Cliff Library


Currently, the library is run by a non-profit association comprised of volunteers, who will be pleased to present their collection of approximately 17,000 books, including romance novels, biographies, children’s books, series for teens, cartoons, DVDs and several reference books on history, art, psychology, food, crafts and more… The volunteers will be happy to welcome you and answer your questions. (Refer to regular schedule)

During the summer, a student is added to the volunteers in order to extend opening hours and availability for the many visitors and summer residents.

New: there is a permanent sale of books with prices varying from $ 0.25 to $ 5 each directly at the library.

Please note that we no longer accept donations of books older than 5 years.

Library Activities

Home library service for elderly and disabled persons at the rate of once per week depending on availability of volunteers. For more information 819-838-5020

A reading program for elementary and secondary students. The program starts at the end of the school year in June and ends the second week of August. All children are eligible to win money prizes as well as books! For information 819-838-5020

Each year “World Book Day” is April 23rd, therefore an important date for libraries. On this occasion, a special activity is organized at the library.

English and French school teachers, as well as day center educators, are invited to contact us to arrange group tours to enable all young people to discover the many treasures the Ayer’s Cliff library can offer them. Information 819-838-5020

Additional Information


  • Black and white :
    Letter format: $ 0.10
    Legal format: $ 0.25
  • Colors:
    Letter format 0.25 $
    Legal format: $ 0.25


  • Local: 1.00 $ the first sheet and 0.25 $ each of the following
  • Long distance: $ 2.00 for the first sheet and $ 0.25 each for the following ones
  • International: 5.00 $ the first sheet and 0.25 $ each for the following ones


Scan documents and send them over the internet

High speed internet and wi-fi

Free and your laptop can connect to the service

Board of Directors

  • François Landry

    French President

  • Marian Scott

    English President

  • Martine Quevillon


  • David Wilson


  • Emily Gibbs

    Special projects

  • France Beaudoin

    Special projects

  • Peter McHarg

    Special projects - Council representative