Members of the committee

Land Use Advisory Committee (CCU)

Representatives of citizens (non elected)

  • Mrs. Clothilde Gingras
  • Mr. Alain Marion
  • Mr. James Crook
  • Mr. Jeremy Stairs

Representatives of council

  • Mrs. France Coulombe
  • Mrs. Nancy Vanasse

Building and environment inspector

  • Élaine Leblanc, inspector

Role of the CCU

The function of the Land Use Advisory Committee is to study questions connected with urbanism and management of the territory. It studies files that refer to bylaws concerning Site Planning and Architecture; Integration that covers certain zones of the territory of the Municipality, notably the center of the zone and minor derogations.

The Land Use Advisory Committee only has a power of recommendation in relation to the Council.

Composition and Terms

The Land Use Advisory Committee consists of :

  • two councillors named by the Council,
  • four citizens named by the Council after a public appeal for candidates,
  • the mayor sits automatically,
  • the building and environment inspector sits as secretary.

The term of the representatives is two years.

Frequency of meetings

The Land Use Advisory Committee has one meeting per month usually one week before the monthly Council meeting.

Advice of the Land Use inspector and environment

For all construction enlargements, renovation projects, work on your land or near the lake you need to consult the inspector who will study the project and will give you a permit if necessary .

Site Planning and Architectural Integration Bylaw

The Site Planning and Architectural Integration bylaw completes the existing urbanism regulation to ensure a good integration of new buildings with the environment as well as the different transformations done on the existing buildings.